Soon we will have more pictures of Caleb's insides, than his outside. He was "steering" a 45lb plate on the wieght lifting bar in the garage on Thursday when it fell and landed on his face and arm. He was seen by a good friend in the ortho clinic and cleared to continue wieght-lifting. It's amazing that little boys survive little-boyhood.
Hi...I left a post a while ago. I was wondering if this is the Jim Tidwell who has a little sister named Shannon. She is an old friend and I have been trying to get in touch with her. If it is would you please email me with her email address, or you can give her mine. Thanks so much! If it isn't the right Jim then let me know so I won't bug you again. :) Thanks! Sara
Oh my gosh, that just gave me the chills. How painful. I hope he's feeling better. What a tough little guy!
Wow! Little Caleb! He looks like he really got smooshed on his face too.
Little boys are miracles that they make it through childhood. They aren't a whole lot safer as teenagers as I recall. We sure are glad all of those little bones are ok. Be careful sweet boy. Love, Grandma
I am so impressed with all of your recent blogs. They are all so funny. After reading all of your blogs though, I am getting a little nervous to raise a boy. Glad Caleb is alright though.
Love the xrays. Glad Caleb is not too badly injured. Love the pictures of the kids. You guys have such cute kids. When you going to come visit again? Love ya, Tracy
You should be turned in for child abuse. I lifted weights for a number of years and now all I have is flab hiding those muscles. Tell Caleb to be careful or he will have muscles like Uncle Shane and Uncle Randy.
Good thing his Dad is a plastic surgeon -- who knows what he'll come up with next. Try to send better pictures next time :)
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